Tuesday, September 09, 2008

...to the wall & beyond!

My husband, Tommy, runs long distances. Marathons, 50k's, etc. He often talks about hitting the wall and then having to push through it physically and mentally to get beyond it. I think that today, this homeschool teacher and her two students have hit our own version of the wall. I got up early and got things ready but I suppose you've noticed that this is the second blog post for today so I'm obviously not overly motivated.

We hit the books hard last week. They worked super hard yesterday to get things done so we could go to an Astros game. We got home around 11pm so I told them they could sleep in and we'd start school as soon as we could. Normally, we'd start at around 8:30. Well, it's almost 11am and it's time..... time to push beyond the wall! Hopefully we'll be done before 11pm tonight!!


Willson's Family Blog said...

Kirk says, "You forgot to mention the dogs...."

Andrea said...

ugh.......! Yes, we're taking stinky, dirty dogs that Anna loves. ugh, again.......!

Y'all bought bluebell didn't you? Eat it quick so we won't have to evacuate. :)