Drum roll, please………
The MOST GENEROUS NEIGHBOR award goes to our neighbors Bob & Margaret P. for providing us with generator power for our fridge and fans and charging our phones and computers and even having enough juice to watch a movie and play Wii.
The ENERGIZER BUNNY award goes to our neighbor “Mr. Boy”. That’s not his real name but it’s close and that’s what Anna started calling him when she was little. He’s 80 years old, or close to it, and after he completely cleaned up his yard, hauling off all the limbs and all, he did his next door neighbor too! Must have been those Vienna sausages and MRE’s.
The OVER ACHIEVER award goes to Tommy, my husband. Not only did he clean up our yard and get it properly manicured, he hauled off every limb and leaf out of our front yard making it look as if Ike completely missed our house and yard.
The BEST WORKER award goes to our son, Jakeb. He did everything we asked him to do in our yard and others’ and worked his tail off doing it. I never heard him complain!
The BEST SLEEPER award goes to our oldest daughter, Tori. Man, that girl can sleep through a chain saw right outside our open front window. She is a pretty good dishwasher, though.
The BEST PET OWNER award goes to our youngest daughter, Anna. She has had so much fun walking our dogs. They've probably received more attention in the last week than they have over the last year.
The HOSPITALITY award will be split between Donald and Debbie H. for fixing us a wonderful meal and allowing us to hang out in their air conditioned house for a while and get some of our laundry done and Danny & Lizanne C. for welcoming us into their home when we evacuated and being totally okay that we added to the chaos!
The BEST ENTERTAINMENT award goes some other neighbors whose names I’ll not mention. I went over there one of the first mornings after we got back at around 10am to tell them that they were distributing ice and they all came out with beer in their hands and they were pretty loopey. Did I mention it was 10am?
The OPTIMISM award goes to our neighbor, Jay. He assured us on Tuesday that we’d have power back within 24-48 hours. Today marks 6 days total without power and almost 48 hours since his prediction. He said if it wasn’t up in 48 hours then we could tell him he was wrong. Well, Jay, everyone in blog world now knows you were wrong! :)
The LEAST LIKELY TO CAMP award goes to those who are staying with family members because they have a/c. Dedee, you guys receive this award too mostly because I know you hate to camp but also because you have a window unit running on a generator and are watching Monday night football. But at least you’re staying at your own house so maybe there’s hope for a Stunz/Willson camping trip yet…
Hope you enjoyed My Ike Awards.
Here is the picture I mentioned above. It’s a sign taped onto the garage door of Bob & Margaret P. two houses down from us. I thought it was funny but I’m pretty sure it’s not an empty threat. I’m glad he’s protecting our neighborhood! My dad will appreciate this one because he knows this particular neighbor and shares his view. I'm surprised there's not one of these signs on my parents front door.
The award for being MOST CREATIVE IN A TIME OF NATIONAL DISASTER goes to Andrea! You crack me up. Who else would think of such a thing. You make me smile :) Still now electricity??? I have plenty if you would like me to share :)
Well send some our way, then! Please...... or a cool front or something!
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