Thursday, August 19, 2004

I want to ride my bicycle ...

My bicycle of 13 years has come up missing. I bought it the month before Tori was born ... now it's gone. I rode it to work this morning and when I got there I was warned. "You should bring your bike inside where it will be protected from thieves who come only to steal kill and destroy." But I ignored the sound advice and left my bike outside. After 13 years of leaving it everywhere, I find it ironic the day I was warned is the day it disappeared. Maybe those who took my white bike will send a ransom note.

Having to walk home and back for lunch was probably good for me anyway.

Sing it with me "I want to ride my bicycle, I want to ride my bike ..."


Ronnie Whitehead said...

You can try Tommy, but Cory is pretty protective of his new bike. And ... the puts his away when he's done with it. Well .. maybe I do.

Tommy said...

No my bike's still gone. They can take my bike but I still have my feet. Run on ...