Friday, August 27, 2004

I REALLY like the new ministry assistant ...

I used to work in the industrial world. I started as an instrument technician for Amoco Chemical in Texas City a long time ago and when I left the secular world last year I was in instrument engineering. Now I am in the ministry as the discipleship pastor for Brazos Pointe Fellowship. There is a long story that could be written from those couple of sentences but now is not the time or place.

When I had a job in the secular world, Andrea didn’t really understand what I did at work. She understood some of the relationship aspects of my job but the technical part never really interested her. One of the biggest adjustments we had to make when I went into ministry is that Andrea now fully understood my job and not only did she understand it she was as passionate about it as I was. It got to the point where it consumed both of us and we had to say “You know what? No church stuff on Mondays.” There had to be an escape from ministry and I believe it’s healthy.

This week Andrea started to work at the BPF office part time. Our youngest went off to kindergarten and it became a win-win situation for both the church and us. She helps Kirk with Admin stuff and acts as special events coordinator.

It is really weird, after all of those years of work being totally separated from family life to have work now be a big part of family life… and marriage. I went to lunch with a friend the other day and the exchange went something like, “What do you do when you have an argument? You can’t go to work to escape.” I pretty sure escaping doesn’t make for a good relationship anyway.

It is good to have Andrea working about ten or twelve steps away from me. Even though she’s only that far away, we still sometimes communicate via email (what a world).

1 comment:

praynlady said...

I am really excited for you two. I think it is really cool to get to work at the same place as your spouse, however, as much as I'd like to, I would not work with mine! (only because of his job)