Monday, August 23, 2004


I love books. Not love in the sense of unconditional love but the kind of love that says, “this is really cool”. I love the smell of a new book; I love the smell of an old book; I love the way books feel … oh and I like to read them too. I like bookstores as well. When Andrea wants to shop she can just drop me off at the bookstore and I’m content to hang out until she’s done “gathering”.

Another thing about me is, I’m cheap. I agonize over buying stuff and I think it’s really cool when I find a deal.

Our local Christian bookstore has a room in the back with used books. It is my favorite part of the store. It has books, which I love, and cheap books, which I love even more. The words don’t change when someone reads them so I am cool with used books.

So imagine how geeked I was today when I found a five-dollar book with Brother Lawrence’s The Practice of the Presence of God and Teresa of Avila’s The Way of Perfection in the same volume.

A friend of mine recommended I read The Practice of the Presence of God a long time ago, so I’m glad I picked it up. It will be a while before I get to it but that’s okay. It’s been a pretty good day …

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