Friday, October 31, 2008

Thankfully, God is still in control!

In a previous post, I told you that Tommy and I already voted. I won't speak for Tommy but if you ask me who I voted for, I won't tell you. I don't want to be defined in any way shape or form by who I voted for. Some of my friends and family may think less of me for saying that, for not being willing to take a stand for one or the other, but there are just so many things that I don't agree with on both sides. Honestly, my hardest decision was actually whether to vote or not. I know, you say it's my duty, my right and my privilege as a citizen. I agree and I did, only because I truly believe that God is in control.

Anyway, I ran across this video of John Piper, author and pastor, from a blog I read and I thought it was excellent, the blog post and the video. John Piper really spoke my heart inasmuch as he talked about how politics and how God is in control and we should care more about serving The King rather being so concerned about politics. I am sick of how politics is affecting how we love each other. The world will not end when Obama or McCain gets elected. The world will end when God says so.

Here is my comment that I wrote on the blog that I mentioned above:
For the next four years, no matter who is our President, we will just have to pray like crazy and live out our faith like never before and remember that loving others, even those we might disagree with, is still what we are supposed to be about.

Thankfully, God is still in control. That is the only thing that brings me any peace in all of this.

Here is the video.

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