Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Maybe Dogs Do Have a Sense of Humor

All of the family left except for dad and me on the day the hurricane was supposed to hit. Dad and I had to pack up the dogs and board windows and all that fun stuff. Everything seemed to be going as planned… the bags were packed, Bella in the kennel and Karat tied to the leash in the back of the truck. Karat had never been in any car situation but Bella had and had either thrown up or peed everywhere. This experience with Karat was not much different. We got to the intersection of Center Way and Magnolia and Karat decided to release all bodily fluid and make a dash for it. Little did he know the restraints around his neck would stop him from going anywhere but hanging from the side of the truck. Dad rushed out to pick him up not knowing of the cruel act that Karat had displayed before his escape attempt. We had to go back home so dad could change his shirt and wash up. Karat learned his lesson that day.

Maybe Karat had a sense of humor… I mean what other dog would decide to pee before making an escape attempt. He must have know it was a win-win situation for him but the total opposite for us… or dad. hah

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