Monday, October 13, 2008

I liked it when I was two!

Last night we sat down with the kids and restructured some things in how we do chores, etc. We've been working with a broken system for about a year now and it was time for change. Anyway, that's not what this is about but in the course of that conversation, Anna said, "I liked it when I was two!". What she meant was that when she was two, she was utterly and completely waited on and cared for. Not a care in the world, if she wanted something, she barely had to ask and it was either done or provided right then.

Our life is about to get crazy! We've are homeschooling two kids, we've got one kid graduating and taking care of all the college stuff, Christmas, graduation party, 3 birthday's right after Christmas (18, 16, & 10- all milestones birthday's) fixing and selling a house (the market stinks!), planning a move overseas (yes, in June or July), finding schools overseas, packing stuff to leave in storage, packing stuff to go, packing a kid for college, the emotions of leaving family and friends and a daughter behind, the list seems endless and overwhelming so if you see us over the next few months and our eyes are spinning around in our heads, you'll know why. It will be so much fun to go but it won't be so much fun getting there. Have I ever mentioned that I hate packing??? Man, this will be my packing nightmare on steroids!

Oh, to be two again.....

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