Saturday, October 25, 2008

Voting, Upset Stomach and Good Medicine

Tommy and I voted today. Tommy had his mind made up but I didn't. I can't tell you what a hard decision it was for me given the lousy choices I feel we've been given. I honestly didn't know who I was going to vote for until I was actually in the booth and prayed my final "God help me" prayer and made my choice. I had a sick stomach for several hours and it would have been that way no matter who I chose.

A juicy hamburger and some homemade chocolate chip cookies shared with three precious girls from the Daraja Children's Choir on tour here from Kenya and their chaperone was the perfect medicine for making my tummie happy again. It has been so incredible having them in our home. They are so full of energy and joy. I'll share more pictures soon. We've had such a good time with them and they've loved everything I've cooked for them so far, going back for seconds and even thirds every meal. Those who know me well, know that this makes me very happy. One of the girls is eating her weight in bananas, she's eaten at least 6 and a half so far today - that I know of.

So, if our country goes into the toilet, we'll just go live with them!

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