Monday, October 27, 2008

Our street stinks!


We live on a busy street and that's a huge downside of our "location, location, location". But a sewer line busted down on the corner this afternoon and a pretty good-sized river of sewage began to flow. It stinks!

Anna went out to ride her bike. Why she'd want to do that, I have no idea but I told her to be careful to stay out of the sewer with the Leave It To Beaver mom voice and all. How often is it that a mom gets to tell her kid that?

Cars are driving by, some slow and some without a care in the world. I guess they'll wonder why their garage smells like a campground bathroom.

The upside - the first 2-3 feet of grass that was almost dead from all of the hurricane limbs that were there after the hurricane will be well fertilized now.

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