Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween Shmalloween!

Halloween was kind of fun when the kids were little but even then it was way too expensive and over rated. The candy, costumes, etc..... None of it is really healthy, I don't think, except the fun family memories and we do have some of those. The whole reason behind why it's celebrated, the dark undertone that surrounds it all just bothers me. It can be fun and some of the costumes we've seen over the years have been pretty creative but I just never have understood all the hype and it really is getting to be a consumeristic nightmare and way out of control.

I do have to say that I have always loved those Green Apple, Caramel suckers that come out for Halloween but I haven't seen them in a couple of years. I miss those for sure.

A month or so ago, Tommy and I were trying to think of something fun to do this year since the kids are older and we just couldn't come up with anything creative (surprise, surprise) so we decided we'd just stay home and pass out candy to those who stop by. That's way more fun to me anyway. (Although, we would not be giving candy to adults or teens who is dressed up and were trick or treating without a kid. That's just ridiculous!! Go buy your own candy.) Anyway, we were saved by the Buc football game! Woohoo!!! No costumes, no buying candy that we would eat too much of anyway, we didn't even have time to carve pumpkins this year. That part is fun and I regret we didn't get to do that.

Don't get me wrong, I'm definitely not passing judgement on anyone! If your kids are dressing up and we were going to be home, I'd say please bring them over. We did our share of that when our kids were little and definitely had some fun but I'm just not a big fan of Halloween.

I'm sure when we have grandkids - YEARS from now -we'll have some dress-up, pumpkin-carving, candy-filled Halloween fun! And I'm guessing that we, as grandparents - did I say YEARS from now?!? - will most likely want to purchase their costumes and candy (within their parents limitations, of course).

If you're headed out to go trick or treating tonight with your kids, have fun and be safe!! Don't come by our house though, our porch light will be off and we'll be at the game eating popcorn balls and maybe some of those suckers, if I can find some today, and probably watching the Bucs lose again.

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