Wednesday, October 08, 2008

The Lie of Politics


To me, what this guy says is not so much about politics as it is about people. Tommy and I believe, and we strive to teach our kids that loving God and loving people are our top priorities while here on earth (Jesus said that - not me). It's not about who will be president or whether we buy stuff made in China. On those issues, we go with our gut and trust that God is ultimately in control. But, when we find ourselves getting wrapped up in pharisaical legalism and fussing at our neighbors, one might conclude that we have our priorities out of line. Yes, I have three fingers pointing back at me... (figuratively speaking cause I'm not even pointing).

It's possible that by posting this, I'm opening myself up for who knows what (my family can really get into it about this stuff). I just thought this was honest writing from and honest American and worth the read. Don't judge me, I didn't write it and consider that you did the clicking and chose to read, so there. It is what it is and that's that.

Oh, and don't pass by the comments, it's a really good discussion.

Disclaimer: The contents of the linked blog post do not necessarily reflect my family's beliefs and value system - but they might. All comments on this blog are moderated. If you're nice, I'll consider posting yours. If you comment on Facebook, please be nice. :)

1 comment:

Edie said...

For what it's worth, I agreed with Nate, Taylor Sandlin and Tony Herringer on the comments to the blog. As an older than 30 American, I may have more invested in this country and the stakes seem higher.I will agree though that I'm not thrilled with either candidate and would like to have another choice! It has to come down to what are the candidates records on the issues I am concerned about because record seems to be the only thing we can believe right now. They are both full of sound-byte bull... and I say that with all the Christian love I can muster:)