Monday, January 12, 2009

It's All About Tori

Tori doesn't like it when we tell her that and it's even worse when we start singing the worship song, "It's all about you...", but for the next couple of weeks, if I have the time, my posts will probably be mostly about Tori, in a good way. She has two final exams left in her high school career and she's finished. She will walk and receive her diploma next Thursday. She will also turn 18 in just a few short weeks. I can't believe it!

She has done so well in school and continues to amaze me in her academic acheivements and motivation. She's just a well-rounded kid (excuse me... young woman) with a souped-up brain and it all seems to come so easy for her. She got a lot from me but I know she didn't get her smarts from me. She must have got that from her dad. I was one that "had potential". :)

Tori, your Dad and I could not be more proud of you! You are an incredible young woman who loves God, owns her own faith and are a productive contributor to society. This has been our goal in raising you from the start and we feel we have acheived great success. You are loved beyond what you could ever imagine!

1 comment:

praynlady said...

Tori, it's hard to believe that the little blonde headed baby that I fell in love with is all grown up and about to begin a new chapter in life. I am so proud of you and your accomplishments and I love that you dream of what is yet to come. I love that you have goals and that they are parts of your dreams. Continue to follow Christ with your dreams and they will all fall into place in His time. You are amazing and you are so very special. I love you and I can't wait to see where this new road takes you. Just remember that at the beginning of the old road, Ollie and Paul are there for you whenever and wherever you need us to be!

hugs and kisses,