Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Christmas letter from Mercy

I'm a little behind in getting this posted but I need to finish packing up Christmas 2008 to get ready for our 2009 adventures.

We got a letter from our "daughter", Mercy, from Kenya just before Christmas. She wrote it to us before they left the US to head back and some sweet person from the Daraja Choir mailed it to us. Receiving it was definitely up at the top of my Christmas highlights list. I wanted to put it on our blog because it's getting packed up and I want to have it posted somewhere so this post is more for me than it is for you. My blog post, my perogative.....

Here's a picture of it. She's quite the artist! She is so animated and fun and her "all over the page" and "fill up every bit of white space" art expresses who she is completely. I love it!

I think you can read what it says if you click on it to enlarge.

She prayed often while at our house and her prayers are what I remember the most, besides her need to dance constantly. :) She prayed for God to "bless the work of their hands, O Lord." It moved me every time she prayed that. I was so glad that she included that in writing in her letter. Such a sweet girl. We are so blessed to have her in our lives.

1 comment:

Jenny Hintze said...

That is so cute.