Saturday, January 24, 2009

It's All About Tori - Part 6

Well, Tori did it, she has it and now it's time to party! She successfully completed her grade school days and has her high school diploma. Way to go, Tori!!! I know we've said it before but I'll say it again just in case you missed it. I can't imagine how we could be any more proud of you.

NOW, it's time for a party. We're having a few friends and family over today to celebrate with us. And as is appropriate when you're having a party, the laundry room floods. Not a little spill over but a flood. The whole drain from the washing machine came unscrewed and the water had no where to go but all over the floor and everything that was on the floor. It was about an inch deep covering the entire floor. Luckily, I kept it from going into the kitchen but it did manage to get out to the garage and make a little river. Tommy and Jakeb are out running 10 miles so they won't be back for over an hour so after a little breakdown and throwing down every towel I own, through tears, I called my dad and he brought over his wet/dry vac. It was awesome! Totally sucked!!! :) (Yes, I said, "sucked" because that's what it did.) Definitely adding it to my list of things to buy someday.

Thanks, Dad, for saving the day!

Clean up is done and we're ready to partaaay!

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