Saturday, March 05, 2005

Running is bad for you ...

I’m a runner. It’s amazing to me how many people who don’t run or even exercise, lecture me about how bad running is for me. Usually I just smile politely and let them talk, but I’m working on my comebacks.

Some of these I found on coolrunning and some are my own …

Them: running is bad for your knees.
Me: Having 50 extra pound on your body to carry around everyday is worse for your knees. I wonder how many people have heart attacks trying to save their knees. Besides, that’s why I don’t drive my car … it’s bad for the tires.

Them: Running causes arthritis and some day your going to need hip replacement.
Me: I’d rather have my hip replaced that to have congestive heart failure and need a heart replacement.

Them (to women): Running makes your uterus fall out.
Me: Good thing I’m a guy and don’t have to respond.

Them: Your lungs will freeze if you run in the cold.
Me: Dude, that’s why I live in Texas!

Them: Running detaches your retinas.
Me: Yeah, and chewing gum takes seven years to digest when you swallow it … give me a break.

Okay, those responses all sound a bit angry. Maybe I will just smile politely and let them talk …

I think I'll go out for a run.


Jenny Hintze said...

Ok, Tommy, how about running is bad because... it makes your acquaintances feel like lazy bums!! Is that a good reason?

Tommy said...

Hey Jenny, If the Nike fits ...