Thursday, June 11, 2009

Something Bigger

In the midst of all of my "to do" lists, which are shrinking by the way, there's this. A reminder that there's something bigger for me to do than pick up the dry cleaning and change the sheets.

As we say goodbye to people we won't see for a while, I'm reminded that we're a part of something bigger and still very much connected no matter where we happen to be on this planet as long as we're connected to Christ and his work.

Thanks, God. I sure needed this today.

From Shaun Grove's blog post.
I dare you to face Robert Redford and his little film while holding your to do list. Stare up at the cosmos and shout out the goals of your day with all the enthusiasm you think they deserve: Pick up dry cleaning! Buy cat food and bread! Call mom! Turn in TPS report! Softball practice!… and feel the stars’ laughter.

Amazingly, I woke up this morning with every one of these basic needs totally met: food, clothing, roof. Before the day even began I was already unnecessary to its completion. No wonder the sky scares me. It’s a reminder of how pointless we really are these days.

Both humbling and empowering.

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