Sunday, August 03, 2008

Out with the old, in with the new!

Our two day garage sale this weekend was an exhausting success. We sold alot of stuff and our leftovers are reduced to a small corner of boxes in the garage. The kids were a huge help! They even got up at 6:30 both mornings to help pull everything out and set up. They got Shipley's both days - incentive, you know! My mom came over on Friday and spent the day with us. That is my favorite part of garage sales. Once the chaotic prep is finished and the sale begins, you just take people's money and hang out. I love watching people and witnessing God's creativity and we definitely saw all kinds over the last two days. :)

We made close to $1000 total. About $650 of that was from .25 to $10 purchases which is crazy! Jakeb and Tori both sold something and Jakeb almost immediately went to ebay and purcashed some guitar accessories and Tori put hers in her laptop fund. Anna didn't have anything big to sell but she was great at getting rid of stuff in her room so we bought her an alarm clock that plays cd's and has a hookup for her ipod. She was super excited about that!

We purchased desks for Tori and Jakeb and have used some of the money to update Tori's room. No more tye dye, red ceiling or yellow walls. Out with the old, in with the new... Her room will be white with green bedding and black accents. She'll be accenting with some of her Kenya designs and photos. It's going to look sharp. She has a great eye for design and making things look great on a shoe string budget. This will come in super handy for her in life.

Anna and Reagan had a successful lemonade stand (pics later). Unfortunately, they lost heart when it got too hot - which was when they probably would have sold the most. Oh well, Anna got enough to purchase a webkinz. She loves those things! She got a little white mouse and named it "Pip".

Tommy and I purchased my new laptop last night!! I had enough saved up so we didn't have to use garage sale money. I did use garage sale money to buy a wireless keyboard and mouse, though. We got a Gateway 4GB, 250MB or 350MB or something like that. Tommy took care of the technical stuff and I made sure it looked good! Isn't that how it's supposed to work? Anyway, it's the 14.1" screen. I wanted the smaller size for travelling and it has webcam. That was a must! Tori's will have to have to have the webcam too so if we move across the world we can still see each other.

So out with the old, in with the new. Dave Ramsey says if you want something and you don't have the money for it, you either need to deliver pizza or sell something. We chose the latter and it worked out quite well for us.

Now, I'm going to go clean my kitchen because it has been seriously neglected for the last two days. Then I will go get ready for church. Enjoy your Sunday! We will spend ours being grateful for God's amazing provision for even the things that we really don't need. We are blessed.


K said...

We LOVE Dave Ramsey!!

Andrea said...

We love him too. His program has been very helpful to us. We often think of him, though, as a necessary evil. Not sure he'd appreciate that... :)