Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Much Ado About Nothing

Much Ado About Nothing is a romantic comedy by Shakespeare from the 1600's. He wrote it with character names like Claudio & Hero and Benedick & Beatrice. I've never seen the play or read the story but it's name is popular and quoted often. I bring this up because of the title but when I read about it I was struck by the funny names.

The tropical storm that was possibly headed for us as a cat 1 hurricane at one point was named Edouard - another silly name. I like Phillip's idea about naming hurricanes after the Peanuts characters. I think Galveston, Houston and a few cities further East on the coast got some wind and rain but the storm passed us over with minimal rain - just enough to increase the humidity level and the mosquito population down here in swamp land.

We prepared as much as we could without going nuts about it. I had already bought drinking water on my last grocery run but I cleaned up our front yard a bit and filled up my car with gas, which it needed anyway. We had flashlights in each bedroom and Tommy filled up our igloo's with water but other than that it was just a day. We ground some extra coffee on Monday night in case we lost power. Enough for a couple of days. We have a gas stove and a french press so we could have made coffee and it would have been good coffee too! Tommy said that if our supply ran low and the storm turned bad and we lost power for a while, our plan would be to take our coffee grinder to my parents and borrow my dad's generator. That would have been a great story! (Probably not near as good as one when the Willson's, Hintze's and Stunz's gathered to eat 2 gallons of Bluebell as we were packed and leaving to evacuate for hurricane Rita. Can't let that go to waste!) Tommy did get to stay home and work. We finished painting Tori's room and I worked on painting a marbles board. Anna went to piano lessons, Jakeb had his guitar lesson and life went on pretty much as usual.

The gas station lines were full and water shelves were getting bare. Some people boarded up their houses and we even heard about a gas station that was boarding up on Monday. Jakeb thought that was a bit much but I guessed maybe they'd been through a bad storm before and I would probably have done the same thing. I think we may have heard a transformer blow at one point but other than it was "Much Ado About Nothing". And that's a good thing.

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