Saturday, April 26, 2008


I have been learning a lot about how to tolerate mystery and uncertainty lately. Life cannot be controlled or made to happen in any specific way. When it comes at me I can only react appropriately. I am not saying that I should be passive and lack initiative or the ability to be proactive. I am saying that even being proactive does not guarantee any certain outcome. I am being vague but if I listed the situations this applies to it would sound narcissistic and boring. That is why people blog though isn’t it?

Anyway here are some quotes I found this week:

As soon as we abandon ourselves to God and do the task he has placed closest to us, he begins to fill our lives with surprises. When we become simply a promoter or defender of a certain belief something within us dies. This is not believing God, it is only believing in our belief about him.
- Oswalt Chambers

It is necessary to run risks,
We only properly understand the miracle of life
when we allow the unexpected to happen.
- Paulo Coelho

Update: (Another One)

When the mysteries we believe in
Aren’t dreamed enough to be true
Some side with the leaves
Some side with the seeds
- Wilco, Side With The Seeds

Update 2: (Another one again)

Everybody will ask what became of you
Because your heart was dying fast
And you didn't know what to do
- Death Cab for Cutie, Cath


mimi said...

As I was looking back in this months journey,I read about persistence in prayer. I thought about the many times when you and Toby were growing up that we enlisted you'll to pray about things with and for us.Sometime the answers were quick and at times the answer seemed to take forever.

This came from the journey.
"Everyone who ask receives, and the one who searches finds, and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened" ----- Matthew 7:8

"It is when the answer to prayer does not come...that the TRIAL OF FAITH, more precoius than gold, takes place." ______ Andrew Murray

We keep praying about whatever it is we are praying about (hopefully about EVERYTHING) and our and our childrens faith grows.

I know you already know this. It's just a little reminder.

mimi said...

oooops I misspelled precious. Oh well!

Jenny Hintze said...

I read this in 2 Samuel a week or so ago and it keeps coming back to me. Not really sure if it applies in relation to your post or not. But here goes. I may blog about this soon so you might end up seeing some of this again.

Basically all of 2 Samuel 22 is cool. Especially the part about smoke coming from God's nostrils. Anyway, what keeps coming to my mind is verse 36.

"You give me your shield of victory; you stoop down to make me great."

..."you stoop down to make me great." I can't get it out of my head. I want God to stoop down to make me great. That is my prayer lately. Is that an arrogant thing to pray? I don't really think so. Anything I try without my submission to God will fall apart. And any greatness I have within me will come from God stooping down to me and blessing the efforts I put forth.

What miraculous and amazing things could happen in our lives if God stoops down and surrounds our hearts and our lives and our efforts with greatness.

Andrea said...


Arrogant or not, an honest prayer is what God desires anyway. But I happen to agree that it's not arrogant.

The thought of God stooping down is cool! Now I guess I've got to go read the bible... :) Sometimes He has to stoop pretty far, I think, to get down to where I am. I'm so glad He's willing to do that.

This seems like it would be a really great verse for a teenager (or me) going through an insecure spot.

Mimi, wise words as always! Thanks for the reminder.