Sunday, April 06, 2008

If you came up to me and asked if I had a favorite race I would say Hog's Hunt. Me and dad ran the 25k yesterday and through many self-malfunctions at around mile 3 to mile 6 or so (for which some of you may not want to know), we finished in an amazing time of 2:30:50 which we were both proud of.

Well we started the race at a reasonable pace and probably kept up with one group from about mile 5. We eventually passed them at the end. Once the finish line was in sight we heard someone say," Hey 226( my #), beat 227( dad's #)." So there we went off to the races and I must say I beat dad by a long shot.... of maybe 2 or 3 inches. And that's all I wanted to say. He beat me in Bayou City and I beat him in Hog's Hunt. But none the less he was the one who got me up all these mornings to train and it was a Christmas present from him to run this race, so winning or losing wasn't really what it was about.

With that said, we went to Pei Wei and ate China.... literally. Then was the traditional Starbucks and then home.

Once we got home we immediately left for Houston again where which we ate Japanese food and I just might let someone else blog about that little experience.


Phillip Hintze said...

Dude, you literally ate China?!

I think you meant figuratively.

Andrea said...

Some friends of ours are in China. I wonder where they are now? Will we see them again... :)

Great job, Jakeb! I'm proud of you for training and doing the race.

K said...

It was great to meet you, Jakeb. Nice running!