Monday, April 28, 2008

May You...

Over the past four or five years, Tommy and I have gone to a church in Houston in a shady part of town on an occasional Sunday night when we don't have our church Small Group meeting. They have always offered a benediction or what we sometimes call a "may you" at the end of each service. Someone writes it on their own and presents it to everyone usually with their right hand held in the air as a blessing or a prayer for everyone as we leave. It's really cool!

We talked about living in today last night at our Small Group meeting as opposed to living in the past or living for the future. If we live in only the past or for the future we miss so much of today. Here's a "May you" from Rob Bell, pastor of Mars Hill in Michigan from a video we watched at our Small Group last night. (If this were Tommy, he'd be linking all the stuff that needs to be linked but I'm not Tommy and I guess a much lazier blogger. Oh well... you can "google" it if you want.)

"May you accept the past for what it is. May you celebrate what needs to be celebrated and grieve what needs to be grieved and then, may you receive from God a new spirit, one for here, now, today."

May we start out our week accepting a new spirit and notice all that God has created and entrusted us to care for today.

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