Tuesday, April 08, 2008

How much can we fit in 4 days?

I think we made the most of our time over the last four days. It's long but here’s the rundown:

Friday – car shopped all day – literally! (That’s for you, Phillip) We began at 8:00am, drove to Houston and ALL OVER Houston and came home at 10:30pm with a ’07 Toyota Camry with just under 12K miles. White and a little sporty. I think we’ll enjoy it. I know we’ll enjoy the better gas mileage! We managed to squeeze in an excellent lunch at a Persian café close to Harwin area. We will definitely go back there. And we ate Vietnamese food for dinner. It was a very long day but Tommy and I enjoyed the day together. We got home around 10:30 and Tommy and Jakeb took off almost immediately for Houston to sleep in a hotel for a few hours before running their race in Huntsville. You can read about it on Tommy’s running blog and Jakeb’s post below. All in all, we figure car shopping went much quicker than furniture shopping. It took us about 3 months and many trips to Houston to find living room furniture. How odd is that???

Saturday – got Anna up at 6:30am and got her ready for the Gator Gallop Kids Run. She did good and we had fun. Someone had given us tickets for a fundraiser pancake breakfast so we went and got three to go plates. Anna’s school was having their annual Bluebonnet Festival with games, rides, food, etc. so we spent several hours there. Brought home some tattoos and a lemon cake from the cakewalk. Oh And a bear from the animal walk. Tommy and Jakeb got home around 1:00 and at around 2:00 we were off to Houston again to finish up car stuff that we couldn’t take care of Friday night because everything was closed and the lady helping us was completely incompetent! That’s a whole other story but suffice it to say that when I came back from getting dinner, the employee was sitting to the side and Tommy was typing all of the information in their computer! It was ridiculous and funny! We at Japanese food in Pearland and then went and spent almost as much on ice cream at Marble Slab as we did on dinner. Oh well… we had a good time and Anna, Jakeb and I all tried sushi! I’m not sure we’re fans of sushi but Anna is sold on Japanese food. She loved the other stuff we got.

Sunday – Tommy filled in for a good pastor friend of ours in Tomball. Danny is in Rwanda on a mission trip. So, yet another trip to Houston. Good thing we got a car with good gas mileage! We had a good time with friends and then got to eat at Chipotle for lunch. Another of our favorites! We came home and got to rest a little and then we had our weekly Small Group meeting. That’s always a highlight for us cause we get to spend time with friends, dig into and question God’s word together and we usually laugh a lot!

Monday – We all went to the courthouse at 9am to witness the legal adoption proceedings of some good friends. This was the best thing of all four days as far as I’m concerned! It was a huge check mark off of a list of things to pray about. Not that we'll stop praying for them, we just don't have to pray the way we've been praying. We’ve been on this journey with Phillip and Jenny (Jenny's blog) for several years now and it was just such a blessing to be a part of seeing it all become final and officially being able to welcome Mikey to the family. The kids went to school, Tommy went to work and I went and ran errands all day and got a lot accomplished and a lot of much more meaningless things checked off of my list. We began painting a really cool marbles board for a silent auction at church. The auction is to raise money for the students that are going on the Kenya mission trip in July. It has an African theme to it. I’ll put a picture of it up when we’re done with it.

It was a great weekend with friends, great food, and family fun. I’ve got some pictures from the weekend that I’ll put up soon. Just don’t have the time right now. Time to go to work and get cram two days of work into one since I didn't go in yesterday. Enjoy your day!

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