Thursday, September 02, 2004

Credit and Blame

When I do well at anything, my nature is to take credit for it. When I fail my nature is to blame it on something on someone else.

On occasion of "doing well" Brother Lawerence says:

Lord I can not do this unles you enable me, and then I receive strength that is more than sufficent.
And then when he failed Brother Lawrence says:

I will never do otherwise if you leave me to myself, it is You who must hinder my failing and mend what is amiss.
I pray that I will give the credit to God for when I do well and know when I fail it is because I would never do otherwise were it not for Him.

1 comment:

Tommy said...

I was referring to my attitude rather than what I show and say to others. You Nicolae, of all people, know how I feel about those who "show off" their faith... or are "odd for God" to steal a line from Pick.