Warning: This post may bore you so feel free to skim or skip. Just don't be offended if you ask me about something that I've written and I tell you to go read the blog. :) I've said before that part of the purpose of this blog is for me to journal. This post is written partly with that in mind. So this move and process will be documented for future reference.
Just wanted to let you all know that the inspections are all done on the house and nothing major was found that would delay closing. Negotiations are all done as well. That's a big relief! We should have a "SOLD" sign in our front yard soon.
The buyers of our house are a sweet young couple who will most likely be starting their family here. This has been a great family home since 1965, one where the children have all been tucked into bed and prayed with at night, played hard and enjoyed growing up here, and we're glad that it will continue on as such. They will be the 4th owners of this home since 1965. I think that's pretty incredible that a 44 year old house has only had 4 owners.
We prayed for someone to buy our house who would be good neighbors to our neighbors and we feel they will be. We have loved living here and we LOVE our neighbors and it will be hard to leave them. Along with our other friends and family, of course!
Unless something major happens, we are on for closing for April 30th and we'll rent back and stay in the house until May 28th. The movers will probably come on the 27th. What fun that will be! Ugghhh...
We have alot to do between now and then. Still alot of sorting to be done and getting rid of. What stays, what goes??? If it stays, where does it go? Storage? Trash? Someone elses house? If storage, then which one, ours or Tori's so she can get to it while she's here at college? An agent from the moving company is coming next Wednesday to help us get a better idea of how much can fit in a 20ft sea container and what to put in the 500lb air shipment. This will help us decide what to take and not to take.
We also have to find a home for our dog, move a piano, sell a car, empty out the attic (major yuck!), move out of our current storage building, get International Driver's licenses, purchase the other things we need to buy here that either aren't available in Singapore or will be 3x the price, finish figuring out how the global banking process works and how we set up Tori for banking here, make contacts for change of address and utility disconnects, complete our Will and Power of Attorney paperwork, spend as much time with our friends and family as we can. I'm sure there's more, in fact I know there's more but this list just exhausts me and probably bores you so I'm not putting anymore down.
Then, after all that is done, on May 27th or 28th, we will move in with my Mom & Dad until June 13th - taking over their camper and a couple of beds inside their house. Hopefully, those two weeks will be relaxed and we can just play with our friends and family. Hopefully..... If you are local, and you are related to us or consider yourself to be one of our friends, ask me about June 9th the next time you see me in person.
On June 13th our family of 5 will head to Dallas, probably in a Uhaul truck, to stay with my sister for a few days. I wish we could drive to the airport in the Uhaul. That would just be hilarious to me and would probably embarass the kids to no end. Can you imagine the looks on people faces when we start hopping out of a Uhaul and unloading our luggage??? Makes me laugh just thinking about it. We'll have already sold our Camry, we hope, and there's no way in the world we'd have a vehicle big enough to carry our bazillion suitcases. Picture 5 people each with three oversized suitcases and our carry on and backpacks! Well, Tori will only have two but still... that's 14 large suitcases and 5 carry-ons and backpacks.
We'll attend Tori's college orientation at UNT on Monday and Tuesday. Our plane leaves from Dallas on June 17th at 7am and Tori's will leave at 10am. The company flies us differently since Tori is not actually relocating there. It's a bummer.... but she's okay with it. We'll actually end up in Tokyo at about the same time and then in Singapore within about 30 minutes of each other. Tori will be on Dramamine the whole time so she won't even miss us.
If you made it this far, I'm impressed! You are a true friend!! Thank you for all of your prayers so far and please keep praying that things with the house and the move go smoothly from here on out. You'll be seeing pictures of Singapore before you know it.
My countdown clock says we leave 63 days from today!! We've been waiting for this since last May. It really is strange to think we'll be residents in a foreign country in just two months. That makes my head spin. If you see me and my head is spinning, please make it stop.
I'm not sure if your long list makes me feel better or worse. ;-) So much to do in the next few weeks for us, too. (Although having one child staying in the States gives you quite a longer list than ours!)
And you should TOTALLY go to the airport in a UHAUL! That would be hilarious. I mean, how else are you going to get all your stuff there? :-)
Yeah, but you are leaving 2 weeks ahead of us. I think you should feel worse. :)
I would love to go to the airport in the Uhaul but I'm pretty sure Tommy won't pay for the extra rental fees just so I can get a funny picture for our blog. Party pooper....
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