Friday, June 17, 2005

Ankle update ... as if you care

My ankle is still fried and I haven’t run since June 9. It is still swollen and hurts a little to walk but is slowly improving. I haven’t been off of it enough to let it heal properly so I'm sure it is my fault that it seems to be taking so long to get better.

I realize that this situation is nothing compared to the real pain others experience but it has been a good teacher. The slow down has improved my relationship with Andrea. I have read more in the mornings during the time I used to run and my time alone with God has improved.

Should I stop running then? Absolutely not. But there are other areas of my life I cannot neglect when I resume running.

To rid myself of some of this pent up energy, next week I will start riding my bike for exercise and lift some weights. Hopefully I will soon get back to the primal joy I get when running.

“God whispers to us in our pleasures, he speaks to us in our conscience, but he shouts at us in our pain.”

- C. S. Lewis

1 comment:

Jenny Hintze said...

Oh, come on Tommy, of course I care. (scarcasm just doesn't come across in cyberspace)

Just kidding, that does stink that you're all bummed up.