Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Movin' On

Just a quick update. We had a great time away in Dallas and my neice's wedding was really nice. It was a nice break from our chaotic and ever-changing world. We hit the ground running as soon as we got home yestrday.


We got our suitcases packed up, mostly.

We got the rest of our stuff sorted and organized, mostly.

We borrowed a hanging baggage scale from Tony and Laurie to weigh our suit cases. It broke on the 2nd bag. oops! It wasn't that heavy.... We'll replace it, we promise! Anyway, we got to visit with them a little and that was really nice.

We slept in our beds, in our rooms, where we have for the last 8 years and 1 month, for the last time in our home on Center Way.

The next time we see our beds, they'll be in Singapore.

The movers come this morning. They say it will take them a couple of days. A couple of days of craziness from what I hear and I'll be needing some serious caffeine and an extra portion of serenity.

We think we're supposed to close on the house on Thursday. We hope.

Regardless, we'll be out of our house by tonight and staying at my parents house cause we won't have any beds here.

The kids are doing well. It's so nice having older kids that can do some of their own packing and driving to run some last minute errands.

Tommy saw some of our friends in Walmart last night. He was buying yet another suitcase. (Walmart was the only place open.) He was also buying a bunch of Lean Cuisines cause we don't have time to cook and we're about to not have any dishes. Anyway, these friends popped in a little later and brought us some food. They felt sorry for us, I guess. :) We also had a fun, short visit. I cherish these moments!

Anna and Jakeb will take our dog, Bella, to her new home today. My sister and her family will be taking her in. That's going to be a little rough for Anna especially.

Tommy and I are doing well. I'm blogging and he's out running. I can't imagine having the energy to run right now. I woke up yawning...

I hate packing (I think I've said that before) and am very overwhelmed by this process. Taking the time to write helps me out a little. It helps me purge at least a few of the thoughts that are running wild in my head. Tommy helps me out alot and tells me what to do when I'm standing in the middle of the floor slowly turning in circles not knowing which way to go. There are so many little things that have to be decided on. You know, things like, "where does that box of q-tips need to get packed?" I think I started to cry a couple of times for various reasons but was just too tired. So no tears yet.

1 comment:

Jenny Hintze said...

don't go