Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Running on purpose

Most of my runs since mid-January have been aimless with no goal other than to get out and move so I can stay in some kind of reasonable physical shape. My running is not completely unproductive but it really has had no purpose. I have thought a lot. I have connected with God some. I have listened to loud music on occasion. But for the most part running has been about … well; running. Not a bad thing at all.

On Monday I started the build-up phase to marathon training. I am ramping up my mileage so that I can start the marathon-training program in September. Now my running has a purpose. I have a training plan that tells me how much to run today and at what pace. The days of running have a rhythm that they lacked before. Running is now a discipline that is practiced with a goal in mind. It is about doing so that I can be.

It is good to live on purpose … for a cause, rather than living an aimless existence where each day seems as if you’re going through the motions and can’t remember why.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm jealous! I'm a "wanna-be" runner. I started walking several times a week early this year and got bored with that, so took up running. It's never too late, right? Well, I guess 37 is too late for me. I LOVED running and feeling like I was accomplishing something. I felt FIT physically and challenged to run further. Plus it was cool praying while running! However, my body has told me that walking is most appropriate, so I walk and WISH and pray still!