Wednesday, July 27, 2005

One year of blogging and reevaluation

I started posting to this web log one year ago. There have been a lot of words and there has been much that has happened around me.

Sometimes this feels like a narcissistic pursuit. Who in the world would want to read anything I write, especially when it’s about me or what I think.

Sometimes it feels kind of sanctimonious. I write how I feel about God and living a God-life but often it may come off as a “holier-than-thou” pursuit.

I have enjoyed the conversation and the comments … even the ones that were critical. I may not have changed my view but my faith and belief have deepened and come into sharper focus because of the critical thought.

The only thing that really bothers me is when people want to trash me but will only do it behind the cloak of anonymity. That comes off as cowardice in my view. Don’t get me wrong though, anonymous posts aren’t all bad, just ones that hide a person’s identity in order for them to have a license for meanness.

I could go back to privacy where I writing everything in my journal. But I cannot stop writing. Even though my writing is not that impressive.

BTW – I still write in a journal in addition to this blog. There are things floating around in my head that are too personal for anyone else to see.

Sometimes I feel as if I am too open with the world. Andrea even said to me one time “It’s sad that I have to learn what is going on inside of my husband by reading his blog”. I promised her I would be more open with her. But I’m not so sure I should be so open with you.

I guess my goal is to challenge the way we all think … me included.

So it’s time to reevaluate. There have been a couple of really good blogs I read lately where the authors have done exactly that – reevaluate. Some have stopped writing, some have made a stronger commitment to write more.

I guess my question is should I keep doing this? What is the benefit for me and for you as a reader? Anything?

Honest conversation is welcome …


equarles said...

Don't stop. Sure, you may want to run some stuff by Andrea first so she doesn't have to read it here, but don't stop.

Anonymous said...

I read. I like. Sometimes you make me think and re-evualate.
Keep on writing.

Anonymous said...

Don't stop writing. I sincerely enjoy reading all the blogs and the comments. Sometimes it makes me reevaluate or ponder some things. I would miss the blogs if everyone were to quit - I think Greg has quit - his last blog was June 15 - sorry Greg, go back to blogging every now and then. Thanks for writing and making me think. Musing on the deck at Surfside Beach. Judy Neighbours

Jenny Hintze said...

I know what you mean about what's appropriate to write and what's not. It's scary putting yourself out there like that. And sometimes I write about stuff that I don't talk to Phillip about and vice versa. But personally, I kind of do the blog thing for myself. If anyone else benefits from anything I write, that's great and I'd love to know about it. But it's an outlet for me to just talk about stuff that's on my mind and see if anyone out there has anything to add to it. And the other blogs that I read, including yours, are usually encouraging or entertaining or both. Don't keep writing because anyone is telling you to. And don't quit writing because you think what you have to say doesn't matter.

And I still would like to see Andrea with a blog. I know she has stuff to say and people would like to read it. But again, don't do anything because someone is telling you to do it.

Anonymous said...

Connections are an intersting thing:

I've never met you but I choose to read what you've written. . . Simply because the words you write and the position you serve in is a similar place to where I would like to be.

Connections - Misty (my wife) - Greg Pickering (Misty's Youth Minister) - Me (Misty's Husband) to Tommy (Minister of Discipleship) at Greg's Church. . .

You seem to blog more than Greg, which is good, at least for me since I will rarely get to hear you or anyone at Brazos Pointe in person, and good since I can follow the happenings closer to real time.

Thanks for bloggin it . . .

Tommy said...

In my opinion Jenny says it best, I should write because I have to not because someone tells me I must.

Thank you all for stopping by.

Glenn - you can listen to messages online if you want to hear from Greg. His blog has gone dormant I think.