Friday, July 08, 2005

The end of a good vacation ...

Tomorrow marks the end of our stay home vacation. We watched movies (some at the theater, some at home), we swam at friends house, went to New Braunfels (check out what Jakeb had to say about that trip --> here), we went to the museum and spent some time shopping at a mall (Anna’s request).

We tried to stay on the move. We tried to do little at home but what it takes to survive – dishes, feed the dogs and ferret, do laundry. We tried to just exist as a family.

This week I found out that its fun to hang out together with my wife and kids. I knew that already but I have come to a deeper understanding of how true it actually is.

The last activity on our stay home vacation was a chemistry experiment. Tonight everyone but Anna and me have a different hair color. Tori went from dirty blond to really blond. Jakeb went from red to light red – almost blond. And with influence from Jenny and encouragement from me Andrea’s hair is now red. She says if it looks bad it’s not her fault; it’s mine and Jenny’s. I have to do a double take every time I look at Tori, Jakeb or Andrea.


Jenny Hintze said...

Very cool! Andrea and I can be saucy vixens together.

praynlady said...

You shoulda put some blond highlights in yours just for the summer. It grows out so quickly it wouldn't take long to cut off! haha
speaking of cut off, I had my hair chopped off (and I mean off) after the Kaylee incident yesterday! SHORT!

praynlady said...

Well, not as short as Phillips. haha but close