Thursday, October 14, 2004

Running Pharisee

I ran this morning … in the rain. I’ve said here before, one of the reasons I like to run is because it is a solitary pursuit. I get to be alone and think for thirty minutes or so. That is not completely true though. Every morning I run I see at least a couple of other people. Some running, some walking for exercise, some walking the dog, so I am not all the way alone.

There is this guy who is a runner, I don't know his name. He and I cross paths most mornings. Our training schedules must be similar. As we pass one another we are cordial and say “good morning” and comment on the humidity or lack thereof. Well this morning in the rain he wasn’t out running. No one was out running (or out period) but me.

I felt smug and self-satisfied. I may not run as fast or as far as the guy I pass in the mornings (or I may – who knows?) but I am a far superior runner because I am dedicated. No one can match my runner’s piety. I run in the rain while others shudder in their warm houses. Yea me!

The religious leaders of Jesus’ day, called Pharisees, used to pray daily, “Thank You God that I was not born a gentile, a woman, or a dog.” They were smug and self-satisfied, and felt superior to those with less religious piety. This morning while running I prayed, “Thank you God that I am not a slacker, warming my bed or watching Fox News or ESPN or clicking my mouse in the pre-dawn light. Thank You that I am out running in the rain.”

I am such a Pharisee …


equarles said...

You may have been the only one out running in your neighborhood, but I was out this morning also. It was great. It was raining too hard and the temperature was nice for a change.
I did not see anyone else out running in Angleton this morning. But I did not feel smug about it. I kept thinking how crazy I was.
Donna didn't believe me that I had been out running until I showed her the cap and jacket that were soaked.

Anonymous said...

My friend died of a heart attack while running in the rain. He was 32.