Monday, October 11, 2004

Life without a computer

Around the office today there is a frenzy of backing-up, deleting and finishing work on all kinds of computer files. Tomorrow we are going to start the process of switching over to a new computer system here at the offices of BPF. Instead of having a bunch of stand alone computers connected to a computer network we are going to get a couple of servers to handle files, email, etc.

Not only is there a computer frenzy, there is wailing and weeping and gnashing of teeth. “How can we could possibly have to do without computer for a day or two or three or don’t even tell me it could be four!!??!” The question I’ve been asking myself is, “how did people do ministry before there was a computer?”

Could I possibly preach a message without being able to consult online Bible commentaries and 10 different versions of the Bible in nine different languages? What about my Bible software that helps me see those different versions of the Bible side-by-side? And without the internet I can’t listen to other preachers for research and “google” the text and read every sermon on a specific subject from preachers from the last hundred years until now.

How do we keep up with the folks who come to our church? We couldn’t possibly do it on paper.

How do people order books and curriculum without and a credit card? You don’t expect me to talk to someone on the phone do you?

Maybe I don’t need to be fasting from food … maybe I need an electronic fast. One that allows me to do work that doesn’t involve staring at a screen. Maybe I need a fast that allows me to connect with people face-to-face or at least voice-to-voice rather than in a white box with a blinking cursor.

Don’t get me wrong I love technology. I am a technology geek. But sometimes I tire of it as well. Maybe that’s why I will have to do without a computer for a couple of days.

I write my blog posts on a yellow legal pad and key them in from the house or something.

1 comment:

Tommy said...

Hey Nic - Writing my post on a yellow legal pad was for my edification not yours. I'd have to say I am somewhat addicted.