Before this school year started, I didn't really find it difficult to grab some "me" time here and there. Even though I worked, the kids were in public school so I could usually find a few hours here and there to just be me. Now, with homeschooling and the kids being home 24/7, cleaning alot since the kids are home 24/7, planning an overseas move, selling a house, cleaning alot since the house is for sale, and normal wife and mom routine, there is very little time for me. I very rarely get to leisurely shop, not even for groceries, read, or even think about things that aren't on my list. I know, somebody call a "waaaah"mbulance...
When we started home schooling I was a little disillusioned to think that I'd get to leave once or twice a week for a coffee break with friends but that has maybe happened two or three times. I thought I'd get to go to the gym or go for a walk alone, read a book, or focus on my health. It's not like I'm a prisoner or anything, it's just that if I want things to run smooth around here, "me" time and God time gets pushed to the back burner and it's just not easy to make those things happen. Plus, I'm just plum tuckered out by the time the necessities of the day get done. Life is just going at a furiously crazy pace these days and it's often hard to organize the priorities.
So, I got away. For a few days. To Georgia. I lived a couple of days in the life of the Bennett family and enjoyed every minute of it. We joked about me being on a decision making vacation. It was funny that things kept happening in their home that I thought would make a good blog post, only it wasn't my family :) It was nice not to have to figure out what's for dinner. I slept, I read, I sat, I watched the rain, I watched kids cartoons, I visited with my friend, shared stories and caught up. I just was. And it was nice.
I'm glad to be home. I love being with my family more than with someone else's family. (No offense, Suzanne.) When I missed my kids, kissing someone else's kids on the forehead helped. It wasn't the same, but it helped. I certainly didn't try it but I'm pretty sure it doesn't work that way with husbands. :)
It was good to hug my grown up girl at the airport when she picked me up. It was good to sleep in my bed. It was good to kiss my kids on the forehead and my husband on the lips. (My kids are grossing out now if they're reading this.) I love being in my home. There's nothing better than being home but sometimes it takes getting away to remind me of that.
It's okay to "wanna get away". I'd venture to say it's necessary to get away, at least it is for me. Getting away makes me want to come back.
Now, I'm going to fold laundry and make my bed and probably scrub a toilet or two. For today, I'm thankful that I'm home and it's a privilege. It'll probably wear off in a couple of weeks. :)
Thanks, Suzanne (and family)! I love you guys!!
Suzanne's 4 yr. old took this! A little crooked but not bad...
I've been wanting to get away from everyone for way over a year now. This summer it's totally going to happen. I'm glad you got to relax and have some girly time.
I'm famous! I made the Stunz blog! It was sooooo great having you here for a few days. I loved every minute of it and totally understand the "you have to get away to appreciate what you have statement" It's ALL good. Thank you Tommy, Tori, Jakeb, and Anna for letting your mom get away and play for a few days. I was so glad she choose to come see me. :) You guys have a wonderful mom/wife. Thanks for being such a great friend Andrea and answering all my questions about raising kids, finances, family and life. You are a great source of inspiration to me! Love ya Lots, Suzanne
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