Thursday, February 24, 2005

Spirituality and Celibacy

Since I know my mom reads my blog occasionally – “Mom you can skip this post …”

I was on an information gathering mission today and while surfing for a specific subject for an upcoming Sunday message I found myself here – on a web site devoted to assisting young people as they try to decide if full time vocational ministry in the Catholic Church is right for them.

Besides the fact that I am disqualified, I have no desire to be a priest or monk. But I found the evaluation tools on the web site interesting and I took some of the tests.

Based on one of the test my spirituality type is the PATH OF INTELLECT (Thomistic prayer). The web site says, “People of this prayer type prefer neat, orderly forms of the spiritual life, as opposed to the free-spirit, impulsive attitude of the Franciscan approach.”

I think they nailed me there.

Then I took the “Celibacy Quiz” and I got a pop-up that says “Your answers indicate that you have the capacity to live a celibate life well, but some issues might need to be resolved before making a full commitment”. HA!

I may have the capacity, but for me the dynamics of marriage and learning to exist with another person in life has helped my spiritual growth more than celibacy could. BTW - I believe marriage is the only context in which a person should choose not to be celibate.

Be careful with your comments ... your mom might be reading too.


Lizanne said...

My spirituality type is PATH OF DEVOTION (Augustinian prayer.This path concentrates on meditations that loosen the feelings and expand the ability to relate to and love others. The stress is on the love ot self others, and God. Those on this path can follow the four steps of the Lectio Divina: listen to what God says in scripture; reflect prayerfully and apply it to today; respond to God's word with personal feelings; remain quiet and stay open to new insights.
How interesting...I just received a copy of the Lecto Divina recently and have been working on it.
I think they might be tricking you with the celibacy thing 'cuz I got the same response. Hmmmm.
Glad I'm married because I don't want to think about the other option.

Ronnie Whitehead said...

Tommy, I found myself to the Path of Intellect, as well. But you and I already knew that our personality types are very similar. I didnt take the other test. Not because my mom might read it, but because my kids might. Haha.

Phillip Hintze said...

I think that my mom has already figured out that I'm not celibate.

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, the horrors of having sex.

If you choose celibacy thats fine. But lets not make the mistake of assuming those who don't are somehow less than others.

Not every aspect of a Puritans life is admirable or desirable.