Tuesday, November 02, 2004


I just got back from voting. As I walked up to the school where I vote, there was a man there who gave me a pencil and a fingernail file with the name of the candidate he supports printed on them. Are my fingernails not round enough or smooth enough already? And then there was this lady who desperately shoved a red piece of paper in my hands giving me detailed instructions about how to write in the name of the candidate she supports.

As I went into the voting "booth", I looked at the names on the paper in front of me and thought about the enormous amount of effort even local candidates and their election team put forth to get elected. For what? To have your life placed under a microscope and be criticized by everyone? I don't know if they all shouldn’t have their head examined for subjecting themselves to the process of just making on the ballot.

I know ... they do it for a noble cause - public service. I guess all of them must want to be in office pretty bad to put up with what it takes to get there.

1 comment:

Ronnie Whitehead said...

I guess being a politician and being a minister are a little similar in that regard. You live in the public eye.