Thursday, July 29, 2004

Marriage Mentoring

Brazos Pointe Fellowship is starting a ministry where an "experienced couple" spends time with a pre-married couple on 5 or 6 occasions before they get married. During their time together they talk through various topics related to their marriage that are beneficial to be discussed before the wedding day.  The more experienced couple mostly listens, but they help by offering advice and personal experience.  There is also some transparency on the part of the mentor couple to help the pre-married couple know that there is no perfect marriage and it takes work and while it is rewarding overall marriage sometimes gets hard.

My question to you.  What piece of advice do you wish someone would have given you and your spouse before you were married?

1 comment:

Tommy said...

I heard a statistic recently (and I won't get it exactly right) that said that a large majority of divorces in the first four years of marriage were caused by financial disputes. So money and debt is a huge issue for newly married couples