Sunday, March 23, 2008

New guitar...

I happened to get a new guitar this Spring Break with my birthday money. It is called a Gretsch and is quite the most amazing thing I've seen even though I haven't even seen it yet( it comes on Friday). My only problem is the name brand... Gretsch. Doesn't it remind you of like one of them old maids they show in an Irish fantasy movie? " Ey Gretsch fetch me a bucket o' watur wuld ya?" Maybe that's more of a Gretch. Take out the "s". But hey.... the name brand of the guitar can't be changed. I might name it something else. Give me time and I will think of something good.



Phillip Hintze said...

Dude, there's nothing wrong with the name Gretsch. It's right up there with the big ones - Gibson, Fender, Rickenbacker, etc.

Be proud of it, even if none of the modern one-hit-wonder bands play one. Check out this list of Gretsch players. Not too shabby.

FWIW, my next guitar will probably be a Gretsch.

Anonymous said...

Oh I'm crazy proud of the guitar and it's name. It's just what it reminds me of.


Anna said...
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Anna said...

cool guitar can i have it.